Dan Flower’s List Building Unleashed PLR Package Review + Exclusive Bonus

Product Description:

Dan is someone who is new to launches but has a vast level of experience writing for other people. Here he has written a carefully crafted… (I stress he wrote it and not some soulless AI tool!)… guide teaching one of the hottest and most evergreen topics in the Internet Marketing niche…namely List Building!

The front-end offer is a high-quality 9,000+ word, 65-page PLR report teaching everything a beginner would need to know about building their own profitable email list. This is based on Dan’s 15+ years in the game and not just some vague theory.

But it is not just the well-written training guide…

…it is a unique, done-for-you PLR package with everything you need to profit from the material.

You are getting, not only the guide written by a professional marketer and copywriter with 15+ years of experience, but also:

  • Accompanying slides so that you can easily create a video of the training (and hence an instant upsell to any funnel)
  • Report covers and logo graphics
  • A sales page
  • A download page
  • A desirable lead magnet also with PLR
  • A squeeze page promoting the lead magnet to attract buyers
  • A thank you page that both gives access to the lead magnet, but also promotes the main report
  • a 5-day welcome email sequence to further promote the main report once people have subscribed to your list.

What you are getting here is not just a very good PLR guide, but also a whole funnel worth of material with PLR.

Target Audience:

This is going to be ideal for anyone seeking an effective shortcut to growing their online presence and income.

Whether you are a newbie with limited skills, or an old hand (like me πŸ™‚ ) who just likes the idea of a shortcut, this will be of great interest.

My Thoughts On It:

I probably gave it away in my description of what is offer, that I like this…

I like it ALOT!

A lot of PLR products today are a matter of style over substance.

They look great with lots of pretty images and sales page…

…but then you get to the report or guide itself, and it is crap!

Either outsourced to a cheap outsourcer who has English as a second language at best, or it has been plucked straight from the mouth of the ever-present Mr Chatgpt.

Either way the output is pants and you would never in a million years want to be associated with it.

This is VERY different.

This is written by someone I’ve known for a good number of years. and someone who knows how to write.

And knows how to write well!

The offer he has created here has the nice images of the other offers, but this also has the written material to back it up.

A resource you would be happy putting your name to.

The complete package provides a huge amount of value and lots of potential!

(And that’s before we even discuss my special unique bonus πŸ™‚ )

It is well known that I believe you don’t really own your own online business until you can offer your own products.

The issue with this though is there are LOTS of challenges in creating something people will want.

Well, with this Dan has given you a blood big shortcut because he’s the majority of the hard work for you.

A Business-In-A-Box

OK, that’s a naff title, there is no such thing as a ‘business-in-a-box’, but if there was, this would be the closest thing to it. πŸ™‚

You are getting all the elements you need to create a list building, and sales-making funnel, without having to rely on getting approval from affiliate offers.

I especially liked the inclusion of the slides based on the guide. This makes it really straightforward to record your own video version of the training, thus creating a further upsell to the resources you already have here.

Sell or Use (Or a combination of both) – It’s Your Call

You could just use the information in the guide for your own learning. As I mentioned this is based on Dan’s experience, and not jut theory.

Or you could create your own complete list-building, sales-making funnel to start enjoying the success that others talk about online.

And of course, nothing is stopping you from following the training first…

…and then use the elements provided to build the system discussed in the training. Clever eh?

(I make this even easier with my unique bonuses, which I will be detailing later)

One or two sales doing this and you will have more than covered the investment you made in the first place!

Pricing Details

Dan is offering this complete PLR business-in-a-box (OK, I’ll stop using that term now πŸ™‚ ) for just $14.

However, I should point out that it is on a dime sale, and so will increase after every sale. As I do think it will be popular for all the reasons I have pointed out earlier, it makes sense to jump in early to get it at the lowest price possible.

The Funnel

It will come as a blessed relief to most of you that this is one of those ‘Andy Waring‘ type funnels…by that I mean it is short but perfectly formed πŸ˜‰

And it is very much a matter of quality over quantity!

OTO – Email Marketing PLR Bundle

I love this upsell!

Again it has multiple levels of potential.

This first upsell consists of two additional PLR products –

β€˜Email List Explosion’


β€˜Email Copywriting Essentials.’

Both of these products include a premium-quality report (once more written by Dan himself) and accompanying slides, a sales page, a thank you page, and ecover graphics.

He’s also included a bonus PLR lead magnet report called β€˜The Useful Book of Lead Magnet Ideas’ with a squeeze page and thank you page.

Price point: $27

(Dan also provides a ‘downsell’ version with just the PLR reports without the sales resources for $17)

Invest in Dan’s Offer Through My Link And Get These Special Bonuses…

Bonus #01 – List Building Unleashed Squeeze & Thank You Page Set Up

What I will be doing for you is creating a version of the squeeze page and the thank you page and providing you with the share code and instructions on how to import it.

This removes any of the HTML coding or hosting issues.

Your pages will be imported into and hosted on LeadsLeap. You can get a free membership if you are not already a member.

Email Set-Up

I will also set up the welcome emails up in LeadsLeap so that you can set them up with a ‘1-click’ import share code.

(To benefit from this part of the bonus you will need to be a Pro member of LeadsLeap)

OTO Bonus

(This bonus will only be available for people who invest in the full upgrade offer)

Email Marketing PLR Bundle Squeeze & Thank You Pages Set Up

For those who invest in the upgrade offer, I will be providing ‘1-click’ import versions of all three sets of squeeze and thank you pages included in the upgrade offer.

This will save loads of time and effort and eliminate any kind of delay due to issues with HTML coding or FTP tools, or hosting.


In Conclusion:

Dan’s List Building Unleashed PLR Package is one of those rare products that will benefit just about anyone working in the online area; whether you are a newbie or just want a shortcut.

The carefully crafted content, coupled with my exclusive bonuses and the low cost, makes this offer a must-have for anyone serious about their online success.

Get it at the lowest price possible (remember it is on a dime sale and therefore the price goes up after every sale!)– get your copy now and start benefiting.

Grab Your Copy and Exclusive Bonus Now!

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