Success Online is Only a Tick Away

So we have got to the end another week, and we are a week older…

…but are you a week further on in your business?

When it comes to getting success online, we can get so hung up with the ‘strategy’ and the big picture, that we can forget the practicalities.

checklistSo later in this post I am going to provide you with a link to a checklist for next week (and following weeks), which, if followed will see you moving towards success.

But firstly a warning, the actions included on the checklist are so simple it is very easy to dismiss them whilst trying to find that magical formula to your success.

Guys, making money online IS simple, however it isn’t necessarily EASY.

There are people out there who are very clever or very lucky who can start seeing significant results in a very short time…

…and then there are us ‘normal’ people, who have to work bloody hard over a period of time to start seeing results.

To give you a real world example, I had an anniversary notification the other day from LinkedIn for 8 years in the IM world.

8 years!

And do you know how long it took me to see any sort of success?

(I’m measuring success in this context as having more cash at the end of the month than I did at the beginning – however I believe in the real world the measurement of success goes much deeper than that)

It took me the best part 5 years.

Yes 5 years of what seemed at the time like constantly banging my head against a brick wall.

Did I thinking about quitting during that time…you bet I bloody did!

But what I realise now is that for me, without going through those 5 years, I probably wouldn’t have had the success I have had in the subsequent years.

I now see those 5 years as my apprenticeship.

Some of you reading this, if you are starting now, will achieve your success much quicker than that…

…however for those of you who have been around some time and don’t seem to be getting anywhere fast, please take heart.

Do enough of the right thing in the right way, stick around and you can and WILL achieve success.

Don’t over complicate things.

Get a sales funnel, with a high quality lead magnet at one end and a continuity product at the other end and promote it in any way you can.

And that’s all you need as a core of your online business, no matter what niche you are in.

In the start, anything that doesn’t get you closer to the set up I’ve outlined is basically wasted time and effort.

Of course once you have the basics set up, fill your boots looking at other methods and strategies to supplement what you have.

But first get that strong foundation and you won’t go far wrong.

OK so as promised, this link to get hold of my simple success check list is below. (no opt-in required.)

I hope it helps.

One final thing, I mentioned that getting success online is simple without necessarily easy…

…and one of the areas that is definitely not easy is getting traffic.

test picThat’s why I have been all over Sean Mize’s ‘live’ traffic experiment.

He is getting 100k visits to his sites using a number of different sources.

And most importantly he is reporting back the exact findings, investment made, traffic received, offers used, sales made etc.

All of this he is presenting in a daily report.

Those who are signed up can then jump on the successes within his experiment to make use traffic that has been truly tested.

At the time of writing the offer is still available on the link below…

He started the experiment yesterday, so the first results are due any time now.

So act fast and you could be one of those benefiting from the first results.

Enjoy your checklist and drop me a line if you have any questions.

2 Comments on “Success Online is Only a Tick Away”

  1. Hi Andy,

    Great post and I think the central point you make about having a single funnel is one that as avoided me or I have avoided it for longer than I care to remember. When someone points it out like you have it is like a “duh!!” huge slap on the forehead moment. I suspected something like this for the last couple of weeks now and there have been some glimpses of this idea fleetingly in the shadows but your post is the first to bring it front and centre.

    So thank you for sharing.



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